Co-Occurring Disorders

co-occurring disorderReceiving treatment for the co-occurring disorders of substance abuse and mental disorder is more complicated than simply receiving treatment for one condition. Those who enter into this kind of treatment should be prepared for their healing process to take longer than it does for those who are trying to remedy only one condition. There are treatment facilities and rehabilitation centers that focus on treating co-occurring disorders specifically, rather than only treating the substance abuse problem. The staff consists of licensed specialists who are knowledgeable in how mental disorders and substance abuse interact with one another. Recovery requires a large commitment from the afflicted individual, and cannot be accomplished without a serious amount of work, but it has been proven possible repeatedly.

This concept of treating a mental disorder and a substance abuse problem simultaneously is unique. Its aim is to educate the individual on what their disorders encompass, instruct them on how the two conditions work in tandem and inform them on how a person can manage both conditions. The individual will become familiar with the ways that alcohol and drugs affect their mental disorder and how they are personally being impacted by them. This will help the person set a strategy for sober living and engaging in healthy life skills through counselling and treatment, as well as connecting them to ongoing assistance.

The journey of recovery for people who are dually diagnosed with mental disorder and substance abuse is a difficult one, but for those willing to give it everything they have, it can be achieved. Medical and psychological health professionals are anxious to assist individuals in facing these problems to help them reclaim their quality of life. If you or a person you care about is in need of therapy for a co-occurring disorder, do not hesitate to enlist the help of a substance abuse and mental disorder specialist.

How to Recognize Substance Abuse

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